Legal Notice and Privacy Policy

1.- Identity of the Data Controller

The information provided by the USER through any form on the WEBSITE will be incorporated into one or more files under the responsibility of NOTICIAS DE EMIRATOS (hereinafter, THE COMPANY), based in Rak Media City, Al Jazeera Al Hamra, P.O. Box 32429, Ras Al Khaimah (United Arab Emirates).

2.- Purpose of Data Processing

THE COMPANY will process the data provided by the USER for various purposes, depending on the method of information collection:

  • Manage the contractual or commercial relationship between THE COMPANY and the USER.
  • Provide the services requested by the USER.
  • Manage, administer, provide, expand, and improve the services to which the USER wishes to subscribe or register.
  • Tailor these services to improve their quality for the USER.
  • Design new services related to the existing ones.
  • Conduct statistical studies to design improvements in the services offered.
  • Send information requested by the USER.
  • Inform about changes in products or services contracted by the USER.
  • Inform about new products or services that may be of interest to the USER by any means, including electronic, even after the relationship between THE COMPANY and the USER has ended.

The USER consents to the processing of their data for the described purposes, without prejudice to their right to revoke this consent by sending an email to, identifying themselves as a USER of the WEBSITE and specifying their request.

3.- Recipients of the Information

The data provided by the USER will not be communicated to third parties, except when:

  • Permitted by law.
  • The processing is a result of the free and legitimate acceptance of a legal relationship whose development, compliance, and control necessarily require this processing to be connected to third-party files, such as banking entities for the billing of contracted products or services or courier companies for product delivery.
  • The data is requested by entities such as the Ombudsman, the Public Prosecutor’s Office, Judges or Courts, or the Court of Auditors in the exercise of their functions.

4.- Mandatory or Optional Nature of the Requested Information

Mandatory data on each form will be clearly identified as such. Refusal to provide this information will prevent the provision of the service requested by the USER.

5.- Exercise of Rights

The USER may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition by sending an email to, identifying themselves as a USER of the WEBSITE and specifying their request. They may also exercise these rights by ordinary mail to ROCKLEDGE FZCO, Building A2, IFZA Business Park, DDP, DUBAI (United Arab Emirates), identifying themselves as a USER of the WEBSITE, attaching a photocopy of their passport or equivalent document, and specifying their request.

6.- USER Commitments

The USER guarantees that they are over 14 years old and that the information provided is accurate and truthful.

The USER commits to informing THE COMPANY of any changes to the information provided by sending an email to, identifying themselves as a USER of the WEBSITE and specifying the information that needs to be modified.

Furthermore, the USER commits to keeping their passwords and identification codes confidential, promptly informing THE COMPANY in case of loss, theft, or unauthorized access. Until such communication is made, THE COMPANY will be exempt from any responsibility arising from the misuse of such passwords and codes by unauthorized third parties.

7.- Third-Party Data Provided by the USER

If the USER provides personal data of third parties, they guarantee that they have previously informed the affected parties and obtained their consent for the communication of their data to THE COMPANY.

The USER assures that the affected parties are over 14 years old and that the information provided is accurate and truthful.

THE COMPANY will verify the consent of the affected parties through a first non-commercial email, in which the validation of the consent granted on their behalf by the USER will be requested.

If the USER fails to comply with these conditions, they will be held responsible for the consequences of such non-compliance.

8.- Cookies and Tracking Files

The USER accepts the use of cookies and IP tracking files, which allow THE COMPANY to collect data for statistical purposes, such as: date of the first visit, number of visits, date of the last visit, origin URL and domain, browser used, and screen resolution.

The USER has the option to prevent the generation of cookies by configuring their browser accordingly. However, THE COMPANY is not responsible for any issues that may arise from disabling cookies that may affect the proper functioning of the website. The information obtained is entirely anonymous and cannot be associated with a specific user. In particular, the USER accepts the use of cookies by Google Analytics.

The information generated by the cookie about the use of the website (including the USER’s IP address) will be directly transmitted and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information on behalf of THE COMPANY to track website activity, compile reports on website activity, and provide other services related to internet usage.

Google may transmit this information to third parties when required by law or when these third parties process the information on behalf of Google. Google will not associate the USER’s IP address with any other data held by Google.

By using this website, the USER consents to the processing of their information by Google in the manner and for the purposes indicated.

9.- Security Measures

THE COMPANY has adopted the necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data and to prevent its alteration, loss, unauthorized processing, or access. These measures take into account the state of the technology, the nature of the data stored, and the risks to which they are exposed, whether from human action or the physical or natural environment. However, the USER should be aware that internet security measures are not impregnable.