Monday, March 10, 2025

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Dubai breaks into the automotive industry with an idea that surpasses electric vehicles.

Dubai will radically change the way of transport by being at the forefront of electric cars. After the use of this type of vehicle, Dubai will implement commercial cars that will operate on the roads throughout the territory. The Hinduja Group will be responsible for this initiative that will test the electric Switch light buses and trucks in the United Arab Emirates in the summer of 2025.

In this way, this means of transport will become common on the streets of the large cities of the emirate and will also move to the roads of the United Arab Emirates, very similar to the yellow school buses. The advantages of these vehicles lie in their ability to offer autonomy with a single charge and withstand extreme weather conditions.

Electric commercial cars in Dubai, a growing business.

Coches comerciales eléctricos en Dubái, un negocio creciente

In addition to the traditional cars of this style, in Dubai and the rest of the United Arab Emirates, the main manufacturing companies are optimistic about the number of customers who can acquire this type of vehicle. In this context, the company AGMC presented the Chinese brand of electric trucks Riddara, a model that has a range of more than 400 kilometers on a single charge and promises to be one of the main options within the territory.

The industry and manufacturing of this type of vehicle have sparked the hope of a growing and powerful industry by 2025. Therefore, more Chinese brands are expected to enter the market with options for commercial vehicles powered by electricity. According to experts, this type of mobility and category is completely new, so those who arrive first will have many advantages.

Ecological mobility in Dubai: the path towards a sustainable country

Movilidad ecológica en Dubái: el camino hacia un país sostenible

Ecological mobility is part of Dubai’s plan to become a sustainable city for the years to come, and the use of electric cars is a good example of this. According to the latest reports from the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (Dewa), the number of electric vehicles in Dubai has reached 25,929.

The use of this type of vehicle is essential for the entire emirate, which is why authorities promote their consumption by implementing constant strategies such as eco-friendly charging stations with Fourth Industrial Revolution technology. The Dewa company has promoted the charging of electric vehicles in its public network, reducing time, improving infrastructure, and providing optimal access to facilities.

The growth of the automotive market in Dubai

El crecimiento del mercado automovilístico en Dubái

according to the economist intelligence unit (eiu), the trade of this type of cars continues to grow steadily at a global level. sales of these vehicles will register a 29% increase with about 16.5 million units, accounting for more than a quarter of the global automotive market. in the united arab emirates, the main policy is to reach zero emissions within the country by 2050, making the promotion of this consumption essential.

both dubai and the rest of the emirates are working to reduce their carbon footprint, so improving the transport sector is crucial for this journey. by reducing energy consumption in transport by 40%, lowering carbon emissions by 10 million tons by 2050, and increasing the share of electric vehicles to 50% of the total on their roads by 2050.

Alfonsina Murialdo
Alfonsina Murialdo
Soy periodista formada en la Universidad Nacional de La Plata en Argentina y me he especializado en inversiones y Real Estate en Dubai y en todo Emiratos Árabes Unidos, combinando el rigor del periodismo con un profundo conocimiento del mundo financiero para analizar las tendencias del mercado global; a través de mis reportajes y análisis especializados. Me esfuerzo por ofrecer información veraz y oportuna que descifra las complejidades de un mercado en constante cambio, y mi objetivo es servir de puente entre inversionistas y profesionales que buscan aprovechar las oportunidades que brinda este dinámico entorno internacional.

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