Monday, February 24, 2025

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Five activities in Dubai that will surprise even the most experienced tourists

Dubai is one of the most attractive destinations for tourists in the world and also a fascinating place to experience luxury and technology. However, for those visiting Dubai for the first time, there is a series of implicit requirements and rules that few know about, which can cause real headaches for those unfamiliar with them.

From the account Roberta con Maleta, an influencer revealed a series of situations that amateur tourists should know before traveling to Dubai, a captivating city that has secrets and customs different from those of other continents that deserve to be respected and followed to the letter.

What are the secrets of Dubai that all tourists should know?


Cosas que NO debes hacer en tu primer viaje a Dubai 🇦🇪✨⚠️ (bueno en realidad aunque no sea tu primero tampoco) #dubai #dubai🇦🇪

♬ Arabian Night – Babadi music

Before traveling to a destination as sophisticated as Dubai, those included in the adventure must keep in mind a series of activities and actions that the influencer “Roberta con Maleta” advises to follow rigorously. One of the first things she mentions is to check the requirements to enter the country. Despite the bureaucratic steps, the use of certain devices is prohibited within the city. One of the most curious is about drones, as you cannot enter the country directly with one. “They won’t let you leave the airport directly with it,” adds the TikToker.

Knowing the secrets of a city through the testimonies of a foreigner can be useful for those who decide to embark on this new adventure. Therefore, Roberta also gives recommendations about the money that should be taken there, and she herself emphasizes that it is not necessary to carry too much cash. “In almost all places they will accept card,” the young woman assured.

The rules to follow in Dubai: everything that can bring problems in the Emirates.

Las reglas a seguir en Dubái: todo lo que puede traer problemas en Emiratos

following this series of steps is crucial to have a pleasant stay in dubai and to get to know the local culture up close. for roberta, it is essential to follow the rules regarding alcohol consumption in the city and she emphasizes that it should only be consumed in permitted places. if this law is not followed, a person can be severely fined.

one of the common activities that everyone arriving for the first time in dubai does is not booking in advance at the most popular attractions. “for tourist sites, you need to book fifteen days in advance and up to a month for restaurants,” the young woman clarified.

uses and customs of dubai: the influencer’s recommendations

Usos y costumbres de Dubái: las recomendaciones de la influencer

Una de las particularidades de ciudades como Dubái o Emiratos Árabes son las estrictas reglas de vestimenta y manifestaciones de cariño en público. En este caso, la joven asegura que es necesario vestir adecuadamente aunque nadie va a mencionar nada, es importante no usar ropa provocativa y con escote profundos. Lo mismo sucede con las demostraciones de amor en la vía pública. “Besos y abrazos con tu pareja no están bien vistos”, manifestó la joven.

Otra de las situaciones que se deben evitar en Dubái tienen que ver con las fotografías. A pesar de que la cultura occidental es bien diversa, las costumbres y vestimentas de la ciudad provocan curiosidad en los visitantes por lo que muchos curiosos pueden tomar fotos a las personas sin su consentimiento, sobre todo a mujeres. Para finalizar, la influencer también da otro tip para tener una óptima experiencia en Dubái y es tomar en cuenta el clima en Emiratos que suele ser muy caluroso. “Igualmente Dubái está muy bien preparada para el calor”, aseguró.

Alfonsina Murialdo
Alfonsina Murialdo
Soy periodista formada en la Universidad Nacional de La Plata en Argentina y me he especializado en inversiones y Real Estate en Dubai y en todo Emiratos Árabes Unidos, combinando el rigor del periodismo con un profundo conocimiento del mundo financiero para analizar las tendencias del mercado global; a través de mis reportajes y análisis especializados. Me esfuerzo por ofrecer información veraz y oportuna que descifra las complejidades de un mercado en constante cambio, y mi objetivo es servir de puente entre inversionistas y profesionales que buscan aprovechar las oportunidades que brinda este dinámico entorno internacional.

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