Sunday, February 23, 2025

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This is the ambitious city inspired by Mars that Dubai will build for 135 million dollars

Mars will also be in Dubai and, amid the nation’s ambitious projects, the creation of a city inspired by the red planet was announced. Mars will have its replica in the desert thanks to the Mars Science City plan and was announced in 2020.

This will be the first extraterrestrial locality in the area and will cover an area of 176,000 square meters, the equivalent of thirty football fields. This exorbitant plan is in the hands of the Danish architecture studio Bjarke Ingels Group and the Mohammed bin Rashid Space Centre.

How the City Inspired by Mars Promised in Dubai Will Look

Cómo será la ciudad inspirada en Marte que se prometió en Dubái

The Mars Science City project not only involves recreating scenarios similar to Mars but also ensuring the conditions are as close to real as possible in terms of temperature and soil quality. According to various studies, the red planet has an average temperature of 63 degrees below zero (-81 degrees F) which means the inhabitants of this locality will have to live under these conditions.

As planned, for this to be possible, biodomes or covered domes will be created, made with a type of transparent polyethylene membrane, and the houses will have windows that can regulate the entry of sunlight. Additionally, the creation of a scientific center is planned where space travel will be organized to learn more about this amazing planet.

When will it be possible to explore the city of Mars in the middle of the desert

Cuándo será posible conocer la ciudad de Marte en pleno desierto

Although there is no possible date, the locality inspired by Mars could be ready in a few years. In any case, the Mohammed bin Rashid Space Center plans to inhabit this planet in 2117, making this locality an ideal alternative to create another tourist spot within Dubai and prepare the ground for future expeditions.

In this way, the UAE enclave anticipated an investment of 125 million dollars in this project, adding to the nation’s ambition to conquer the planet. What is unique about this district is that it will feature gardens that will supply homes with an innovative system, in addition to being a scientific and planetary system research hub.

Reaching Mars, the Obsession of the United Arab Emirates

Llegar a Marte, la obsesión de Emiratos Árabes Unidos

The ambition of the United Arab Emirates to reach Mars was fulfilled in 2021 when the Hope probe was sent to the planet on an H2-A rocket. Thanks to this successful mission, the country obtained necessary information about the conditions there, in addition to studying the possibilities of creating cities within the same planet. Meanwhile, during 2023, the nation announced the study of the asteroid belt between the Red Planet and Jupiter with the need to search for elements such as water.

In this way, the territory’s mission was to study the asteroid belt composed of four “worlds” recognized as Ceres, Vesta, Pallas, and Hygiea. However, the focus of the scientists from the Emirates was on the red asteroid known as Justitia. This object of study drew attention due to its size, possessing a diameter of 50 km, and because it is considered to have organic materials on its surface, thanks to its proximity to Neptune. According to various studies, Justitia could have organic molecules that could support life, making this condition highly beneficial for scientists to analyze if it’s possible to find living beings in these sites. According to estimates, this journey will take place in 2028, and the relevant information will take around 7 years to be known.

Alfonsina Murialdo
Alfonsina Murialdo
Soy periodista formada en la Universidad Nacional de La Plata en Argentina y me he especializado en inversiones y Real Estate en Dubai y en todo Emiratos Árabes Unidos, combinando el rigor del periodismo con un profundo conocimiento del mundo financiero para analizar las tendencias del mercado global; a través de mis reportajes y análisis especializados. Me esfuerzo por ofrecer información veraz y oportuna que descifra las complejidades de un mercado en constante cambio, y mi objetivo es servir de puente entre inversionistas y profesionales que buscan aprovechar las oportunidades que brinda este dinámico entorno internacional.

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