Monday, February 24, 2025

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The legal surprise of Dubai that redefines how authority is exercised

The Dubai government has taken a significant step towards modernizing its legal system with the enactment of Law No. 19 of 2024. This new regulation, led by the Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, establishes a detailed framework for granting law enforcement capacity throughout the emirate. The initiative seeks not only to ensure the proper implementation of current legislation but also to foster closer collaboration between the public and private sectors in the management of public facilities.

Law No. 19 of 2024 represents an essential update to previous legislation, replacing Law No. 8 of 2016. With this change, Dubai aims to eliminate any existing legislative contradictions and establish clear guidelines for those authorized to enforce the law. Additionally, the new law emphasizes the importance of training and technological competence of individuals entrusted with these responsibilities, thus ensuring a more efficient and modern application of regulations.

Promulgation and objectives of the new legislation

Promulgación y Objetivos de la Nueva Legislación

The enactment of Law No. 19 of 2024 marks a milestone in the evolution of Dubai’s legal system. One of the main objectives of this law is to ensure that individuals authorized to enforce the law possess the necessary qualifications and knowledge to perform their duties effectively. This includes comprehensive training and a deep understanding of the relevant legislation, ensuring that regulations are applied fairly and consistently throughout the emirate.

Moreover, the law seeks to strengthen public-private partnerships in the management of Dubai’s public facilities. By involving private companies contracted by government entities, greater efficiency and accountability in the administration of public spaces are fostered. This strategic collaboration not only improves the quality of services offered but also promotes greater community participation in urban management.

Another crucial aspect of the law is the training of community members to assist government entities. The initiative aims to train citizens and residents to actively contribute to the prevention of acts that violate Dubai’s laws. This participatory approach strengthens social cohesion and creates a safer and more orderly environment for all inhabitants of the emirate.

Requirements for the granting of police authority

Law No. 19 of 2024 establishes strict criteria for granting law enforcement authority to individuals. One of the fundamental requirements is a minimum age of 30 years, although high government officials are allowed to grant exceptions when necessary. This requirement ensures that individuals responsible for law enforcement possess the necessary maturity and experience to handle complex situations effectively.

Additionally, applicants must demonstrate a high level of knowledge and technological competence. The law requires individuals to be familiar with relevant legislation and to be capable of using modern technologies to perform their duties. This competence is essential to ensure that investigations and legal actions are conducted efficiently and in accordance with current regulations.

Furthermore, the legislation mandates the use of the Arabic language in all investigations, which facilitates clear and precise communication within governmental entities and ensures that the information handled is accessible to all involved parties. This linguistic requirement is fundamental to maintaining coherence and effectiveness in law enforcement throughout the entire emirate.

Implications of the new law and change of previous legislation

Implicaciones de la Nueva Ley y Cambio de Legislación Previa

The implementation of Law No. 19 of 2024 has profound implications for Dubai’s legal system. By replacing Law No. 8 of 2016, this new regulation not only modernizes the existing legal framework but also nullifies any other legislation that might contradict its provisions. This ensures a legal harmonization that facilitates the understanding and application of laws for both officials and citizens.

Furthermore, the new law establishes clear procedures for the identification of legal infractions and the corresponding appeal mechanisms. The issuance of executive decisions is now regulated in more detail, providing a more transparent and fair process for all involved parties. This approach enhances trust in the legal system and promotes greater accountability among those responsible for enforcing the law.

Another significant implication is the inclusion of guidelines for the revocation of law enforcement authority. This provision allows for strict oversight of authorized individuals, ensuring that only those who meet the highest standards can maintain their capacity to enforce the law. The decision to revoke is subject to review by the chairman of Dubai’s Supreme Legislative Committee, adding an additional layer of oversight and control.

In conclusion, Law No. 19 of 2024 represents an important advancement in Dubai’s legal structure, strengthening law enforcement capacity and promoting a more efficient and collaborative management of public facilities. With stricter requirements and greater clarity in responsibilities and procedures, this legislation not only modernizes the legal system but also contributes to a safer and well-governed emirate.

Diego Servente
Diego Servente
Soy un periodista apasionado por mi labor y me dedico a escribir sobre inversiones e inmuebles en Medio Oriente, con especial enfoque en Dubai y Abu Dabi; a través de mis reportajes y análisis detallados, conecto a inversionistas y profesionales con oportunidades emergentes en un mercado dinámico y en constante evolución.

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