Monday, February 24, 2025

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Dubai and weather control: this is how they generated a brutal downpour with cloud seeding

Dubai has a novel cloud seeding system that caused a revolution in the entire world. In Dubai, droughts are extreme, so the city’s meteorological authorities implemented this mechanism that allows rainfall at certain times of the year.

However, in early 2024, a majestic storm raised doubts about the consequences of cloud seeding and the severe complications it could bring. At that time, incredible weather inclemency was experienced that brought with it large floods that caused chaos in the streets and airports.

Cloud seeding that may have caused record rainfall in dubai

After floods wreaked havoc in Dubai, eyes turned to the novel cloud seeding system and the possibility that it was to blame for the city’s collapse. However, the United Arab Emirates’ National Center of Meteorology assured that this system was not the cause of such a phenomenon.

Scarce rainfall is commonplace at these latitudes. The country receives 7 centimeters of rain per year, one of the lowest on the planet. However, the weather can also be unpredictable in this location, and in April, more than 22 centimeters of rain were recorded in the northern United Arab Emirates in just two days, almost three times the country’s annual average. However, Dubai’s novel artificial rain arsenal was not the cause of this disaster, and authorities provided reassurance in this regard.

How artificial rain is formed in Dubai

Cómo se forma la lluvia artificial en Dubái

To guarantee humidity in the city, the National Center of Meteorology of the United Arab Emirates created this innovative system that is unique in the world. This mechanism consists of “cloud seeding,” as it is colloquially called, and consists of adding tiny air particles to the clouds to favor condensation and humidity.

Under this mechanism, the Meteorology Center sends planes to fly through them and inject the tiny particles, such as silver iodide, with the aim of creating more drops of water or ice. According to experts, this mechanism is offered as an alternative to the increasing droughts generated by climate change, but it can also complicate this situation because it is possible that, by seeding clouds, water is being stolen from others and allowing other sectors to become more arid.

Alfonsina Murialdo
Alfonsina Murialdo
Soy periodista formada en la Universidad Nacional de La Plata en Argentina y me he especializado en inversiones y Real Estate en Dubai y en todo Emiratos Árabes Unidos, combinando el rigor del periodismo con un profundo conocimiento del mundo financiero para analizar las tendencias del mercado global; a través de mis reportajes y análisis especializados. Me esfuerzo por ofrecer información veraz y oportuna que descifra las complejidades de un mercado en constante cambio, y mi objetivo es servir de puente entre inversionistas y profesionales que buscan aprovechar las oportunidades que brinda este dinámico entorno internacional.

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